Our Services

Feng Shui/Space Clearing

The ancient Chinese art of arranging your environment creates harmony and balance. Having a map of your space offers a path to taking control of the clutter and overwhelm. Feng Shui offers a type of language to speak purpose into your physical environment. The experiences of over 20 years of training in both modern BTB feng shui and the more customizable Classical feng shui have yielded powerful results for my clients.

During an on-site space clearing, I use a variety of essential oils to target the specific vibrations of the energy in the space that needs to be balanced. I add this to a small container of epsom salts and alcohol and then set it on fire. This quickly pulls the “energetic fingerprints” into the container and transmutes it. My clients love this “Window Cleaner for the Soul” process, as they often report immediate clarity during and after the burn. Removing the dense energy in your space has a profound impact on your health, wealth, and well-being.

Transformational Coaching

This powerful tool inspires personal and professional growth. It increases self-awareness, improves communication skills, inspires greater personal power, and a deepens a sense of purpose.

My clients have reported improved sleep, clarity with relationships, greater job satisfaction by understanding where friction was coming from with team members, and even solutions to infertility challenges!

I Ching Bazi (Chinese Astrology)

The I Ching is an ancient Chinese oracle that uses hexagrams to provide guidance and insight. All branches of Chinese metaphysics can trace their roots to these hexagrams. I combine these with your Chinese Astrology chart to provide you with a powerful tool for self-discovery personal growth and optimal timing for important events.

In addition, I offer monthly I Ching readings on YouTube. This acts as a type of energetic weather report for maximum preparedness!

Intuitivity Products

Joy Water is a room spray with a custom blend of essential oils designed to Neutralize the energy of a space, Purify it , and Re-Energize it with JOY! It’s perfect for those low-vibe cubicles, hotel rooms, and traffic jammed commutes. Joy Soak uses this blend along with Epsom Salts for maximum bathing bliss for those days when you’ve peopled a little too much and need their energy sucked from your entire body.

Additional products are in the works!

Phoenix Rising VIP Coaching Experience

This 6 month long package includes it all! Feng Shui for your home and office, Bazi analysis, and bi-weekly transformational coaching! Each experience will be tailored to your specific needs and desires, and will include a VIP Day in Austin, TX, at the end of your package.

The Curiosity Solution Podcast

This interview-style podcast will focus on the power of curiosity, intuition, and creativity. Guests will be curated to show how their inspired actions helped them to experience success in a wide variety of ways. When you schedule yourself as a guest, please answer the questions that will come as a pop-up form prior to our call. This will help me create the most interesting