About Us

If you’re here, it’s probably because you are ready to get your life back after feeling stuck and overwhelmed.

Asking for help can feel hard. But after more than 20 years of working with Feng Shui, I’ve seen how incredibly powerful things can shift by moving a few items with intention and purpose. Something cracks open, and suddenly clarity and synchronicity happens!

I can help you examine what strategies you’ve tried in the past, evaluate what worked, and which lead to frustration. You’ve already shown that you are willing to ask for help, simply by being here!

Together, we can challenge that voice that tells you that you aren’t enough, that your life is doomed to loneliness and dead-ends, and that your past patterns are destined to be your future reality. Seems like a lot to ask by moving some furniture around, huh? That’s the second step. The first is to listen to what your home and heart are telling you.

I can’t wait to work with you to discover the peace that comes from finally being comfortable in your own skin! You’ll be able to feel a lot more optimistic about what lies ahead, and your space will be able to reflect that too!